Att följa arbetet

Skrev tidigare om hur jag glatt följde arbetet av min favoritförfattares arbete. Dagligen uppdaterar hon sin Twitter/facebook med tankar om det hon skriver på nu. Jag njuter nu. Jag får följa hennes arbete dag för dag. Att se hur mästaren av den genren arbetar och tänker.

Dagens senaste lätt:

"25 Oct 2011 Today was a long, hard day of writing and I haven't even started the typing. I awoke at 4:30 certain that Reede knowing where to put the buckets for the leaks was wrong. If a roof was that bad for that long, it would destroy the house. I ran to my writing room, printed out yesterday's scene and edited it heavily. I then printed out the new pages and went over them again. Only then could I start the day's writing. I got Sophie and Reede to talking. My goodness but they are serious people! I put them in masks and her in a too-small corset and they still act like they're at a church social. I never know what characters are going to be like until I get there! It isn't easy for me not to have them buy a house but Reede goes around the world helping people so he can't be tied down. So many details to take care of! After today's seriousness, I think I may get Reede drunk. Maybe that will loosen him up. Sophie is so sweet! She is the kind of person who'd show up at your door with a casserole when you have the flu. Jude"

Och igår lätt det såhär:

"24 Oct 2011 I did it! I got Sophie and Reede to meet. Physically, they are very attracted to each other, but they need to talk more before I find out the rest of it. Readers might think it's a given that the hero and heroine have the hots for each other, but that's not always the case. I have thrown out many books because the main characters weren't interested in each other. One time I had a hero so strong that about 50 pages into the book the heroine was cringing in terror. I had to change her name, as names are mega important, and her background and rewrote everything. I had to come up with a heroine who was strong enough to withstand the man. So far, I think Sophie and Reede are a good match. She's always taken care of people and so has Reede, so I think they can work together. Tomorrow I go into the second part of this very long scene. Jude

Och medan hon frågade var vi andra fick vår insperation ifrån, så svarade hon följande:

"We all seem to be kindred spirits! Old houses are a passion of mine. When I go to England I go from one old house to another and I buy all those books about the history of the house. I find the truth about people to be fascinating. KISA came mostly from reading 2 lines in a story about the history of a house. Years later the woman who owned the house/castle wrote and said I was her favorite author. I wish I'd met her when I was there. As for right now I have an English drama on and about a dozen cookbooks around me. I'm going to snuggle down for the evening. Jude

För en som inte vilken bok hon talar om så kan jag informera om att KISA är "Knight in shining armour", min favoritbok av henne. Jag har läst den flera gånger och gråtit, skrattat och suckat över boken varje gång. I slutet har jag suttit med värkande hjärta, gråtandes som ett barn av lycka och sorg samtidigt. Där har hon lyckats förmedla känslor. Rena känslostormen. Så att få veta var hon fick sin idee till själva boken är för mig heligt. Boken får mig att le bara vid tanken. Twiligth böckerna släng er i......ja hur bra de än är, så slår denna bok Twilight sagan med hästlängder.

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